Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We're in Tallinn (Estonia)

Wednesday August 13th: So, we both thought we were gonna wake up early to get stuff done. We slept in instead. I still managed to wake up, shower, eat brunch, finish my postcards, and pack in time. Postcards from Finland are now in the mail! We left around 1:15 to go to Prisma (the grocery store) to buy stamps and a snack then it was on the train to Helsinki. We then took a tram to the port/harbor idk where we boarded the cruise ship Finlandia for Estonia. Jonna showed her ID to get our tickets that she pre-ordered online and then we walked onto the ship. No security, no customs, didn't have to show my passport, nothing. It was kind of strange. The ship ride was fun! We bought snacks (chocolate duh) and read our books. The ship had wifi and my snapchat app decided to lock me out. After unlocking it, it instantly re-locked. I tried changing my password and it still re-locked. Now it says the network is blocked because of suspicious activity. It's driving me a bit insane but I'll live. After arriving in Estonia we walked to our hotel which is about 1km from the dock. After waiting in line for what seemed like ages we checked in and went up to our room which is on the 21st floor. Then it was straight back down because we were starving. We ate at a place inside the hotel but also connected to the shopping mall right behind the hotel. It was super tasty American tex mex kinda place. Burgers, chicken, steaks, tacos, etc. Then we sought out an icecream place in the mall before everything closed at 9 and explored a grocery store. The "share a coke" thing here isn't names but song titles/lyrics. Jonna says the bottles say something like "Share a coke and sing/dance to..." so there are lots of great coke pictures coming. We're easily amused... In case anyone was wondering Finnish and Estonian are similar languages and are partially intelligible with each other. Jonna is able to understand words and phrases of Estonian (despite not having learned it). She thinks it's so weird to be able to go to a country and speak Finnish with everyone because hardly no other countries speak Finnish. Basically just Finland and then people who work in touristy areas of Estonia, like the capital Tallinn where we are. English is understood here too, yay! Though our waitress spoke in Finnish to Jonna when I had some questions and Jonna translated. It worked a bit better that way. Now we're hanging out in the hotel room and gonna turn in early so we can wake up early and shop! The boat doesn't leave until like 8pm tomorrow night so we have a full day tomorow! Plus free breakfast from the hotel :D  That is what is gonna get us out of bed tomorrow morning. Pictures are uploading to Facebook as I type.

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