Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Shard!

Wednesday August 6th:

Today Charlie dropped me off at the station in Shenfield. I wrote down the route I was taking to meet Phil. Shenfield to Stratford then on the tube to Borough (not London Bridge because I don't have a phone and that station is huge). Phil found me quite easily at Borough station then we walked to Borough market to have a look around. Phil used to live quite close by for his first year at university so he knew the area pretty well. Borough market was plenty fun! Lots of free samples (Phil took full advantage of this, I tried a few things). After looking at all the stalls (ranging from fresh baked bread, flowers, fresh meat, fresh seafood, cooked foods, paella, ethiopian, thai, caribbean, pastries, fudge, candy, icecream, cheese, italian meats, pasta, and more) we decided on what we were having for lunch. I had a "burgito" which was little burger patties then wrapped in a tortilla with cheese and ketchup to make a burrito. I also bought a Tango orange soda which tastes amazing. Phil had vegetarian falafel which he claims was incredible. Then we had amazing milkshakes and figured out what to do next.

PS Tango ads in the 90s were WEIRD. Phil told me about them. here you go.

We were very close to the Shard so we decided to walk over and have a look. We had heard that you could go up the Shard and see so we asked about it. Turns out, you can go to the very top floor and look around for as long as you like! Sold! 30 pounds and 10 minutes later we were through security and in super fast elevators on our way to the top! We got out on the 68th floor (a gift shop) and walked up to the 69th to have a look around. It was INCREDIBLE. Way better than the London Eye for sure. After browsing around every side and Phil pointing out all the landmarks we walked up to the 72nd floor where it's actually open to the elements. We had a nice breeze up there! Phil pointed out the landmarks (and we made a video) then we thought about what else to do nearby.

Phil mentioned Greenwich (pronounced "grin-itch" by all British people or "grin-idge" if you live there) where the Prime Meridian is located as well as the Royal Maritime Museum and the Naval College. We exited the Shard directly across from the train station and caught the next train over! We walked around Greenwich then even under the Thames and through a park and the Navy College then up a super steep hill to the Royal Observatory where the Prime Meridian is marked. You could pay and take your picture by the fancy one but we made do with the bit marked that was free :] The view of Canary Wharf and the City of London was excellent. I think Phil finally managed to explain how boroughs work. I don't think I can properly explain it here though, it would take too long. We decided to take the DLR back into town which is an automated light rail! We got to sit at the very front and pretend to drive the train. So much fun! I don't care if the other passengers thought it was odd that two college grads were play-driving a train. It went all through Canary Wharf which was cool to see. Then it was back on a tube, sort of good bye to Phil (might see him again on Friday, not sure yet), and on to Liverpool St station where I grabbed some food for dinner (KFC, they don't have mashed potatoes! what?! but they had Tango so that made it better) and hopped on a train to Shenfield. I was going to take a taxi back to Charlie's house but Charlie happened to be driving by when I walked out of the station (talk about timing!) so she drove me back :] Tomorrow is a BBQ at her friend's house. Should be relaxing :]

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