Saturday, August 2, 2014

3rd day in the UK/Aug 2nd

August 2nd: It's Saturday! However every day has felt like Saturday so it's not as exciting. I woke up around 10:15 and went downstairs to find Charlie. Her dad had gone shooting clay pigeons and we were waiting for him to return before heading to the fair. Got ready, tried to wake up Mom and Dad via facebook message and finally suceeded around 1:30 my time (8:30 at home) just in time for us to leave for the fair. We drove to ermmm, I don't remember where. Anyway, the fair had tons of cool old cars, crafts, food, traditional dancing (Morris? idk the spelling), a dog show, and more. It was like the NC State fair but smaller. There's also this game where you throw little wooden balls (7 for a pound) at coconuts that are sitting on little stick things and if you knock off a coconut then you get to keep it. I knocked one over on the 2nd try and Charlie got one too! We haven't cracked open the coconuts yet but her dad is very excited. Apparently this is a normal fair thing, kind of like throwing baseballs at milk bottles at home. I tried a traditional pasty/pastie? and it's alright. It has ham, potatoes, onions, carrots and idk what else. It's a bit too oniony for my tastes. I also tried Pimms which is some kind of summer alcoholic beverage with apples/fruits. It's kind of like sangria but not. I wasn't a huge fan but Charlie and her mum drank my share with no complaints. We got home from the fair and I was able to skype with Mom, Dad, Nana, and then Stephan to catch everyone up on what I've been doing (because obviously I just started the blog). I still think it's strange that peanut butter is not too exciting over here and nobody wants chocolate that has peanut butter inside. Fine, more Reese's for me.

After skyping we went to dinner at a carvery where you can order burgers and things or you can order the carvery special thing where you go and get in line and tell the guy what meat you want (turkey, ham thing that I forgot the name of already, beef, or pork) and they carve you off a slice as you watch. Then you go down the line and serve yourself however much potatoes, corn, peas, yorkshire pudding (a pastry thing), uhh and other vegetables I missed plus gravies and sauces and take it back to your table to eat. You may or may not know that Britain doesn't really do the whole "unlimited" drink refills for free but this place did, IF, you ordered pepsi products. So, I didn't get a coke, but a pepsi. The waiter rarely came by though so I didn't even get a refill. What a shame. The food was super tasty and we had icecream sundae's after (mine had brownies and chocolate syrup, surprise surprise). Also, they left a tip for our waiter. I forgot to ask Charlie if that's normal because I didn't think it was (and he rarely came by the table anyway). I'll get around to asking Charlie.

Then we went bowling! Charlie's family seemed to think I'd be great at it since I mentioned having my own bowling ball at home. However, I can't even remember the last time I bowled and only scored an 80 then a 79. At least I was consistent? Charlie's dad won both games. It was amusing that the same exact bowling system (computer wise) is used at the lanes at home. It was oddly familiar. After bowling we came back and Charlie fixed her shoe for her play and I watched more League (missed C9 and 'CLG' unfortunately). I should have gone to bed sooner but I'm weirdly awake. Yay for melatonin. Tomorrow morning I meet Phil and Sophie in London! Charlie is taking me to the train station to buy an Oyster card which is basically a fun little card that is your ticket around the train/underground stations. You just tap it and the gate opens and it charges you money based on where you get off. You reload it at little kiosks in the stations. Apparently it's cheaper so I'm all for this. I have to figure out how to carry all of the candy to Phil and Sophie, I don't think it will fit in my purse (yeah, I brought a lot). I'm having a nice relaxing time. I'll probably have free wifi throughout the day tomorrow so I'll post pictures on facebook/instagram or snapchat :] Hopefully I'll stay on top of the blog daily summarizing for everyone.

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