Sunday, August 17, 2014

To Ekenas!

Friday August 15th:

Today Jonna and I slept in then started getting ready and packing. I was headed to Ekenas to visit Johanna and Jonna was headed to Turku for a soccer tournament with her work friends. Jonna drew me a nice map of how to get to the right bus stop from the train station. I'll have to take a picture of it. I left around 1:15, bought stamps and mailed postcards from Estonia (didn't have time there), went to McDonalds, caught the train to Helsinki, found the right bus (some other people were also there and confirmed I was at the right stop), and made it to the Seurasaari Open-Air Museum where Johanna works! I got there just in time for her 3pm tour in English :D After the tour and some exploring her friend Anna showed up to take us back to Ekenas. First, a stop at the airport to pick up their friend Julia from Switzerland who was also visiting. We arrived in Ekenas sometime between 7 and 8pm and had a nice dinner thanks to Johanna's mom. Johanna's puppy, Leo, was super friendly and adorable. I also met Johanna's younger sister, Julia. We spent some time catching up and watching TV before going to bed. Learned that Johanna also has a brother, Casper, but he spent time playing video games in his room, lol. Sound familiar anyone?

Saturday August 16th:

We woke up and after breakfast biked into town and met Anna and Julia on the way (under a bridge because it was pouring rain and yet also sunny out). The weather wasn't too cooperative. We walked through the market (I tried some peas) and got a key to a water tower. We explored the old church (very pretty) and then Johanna went to get her hair cut and the rest of us explored the water tower. The view was incredible from the top. We then biked back and had lunch before setting off to explore Fiskas. They make the orange scissors! The old town was really neat and all of the hand made crafts were cool (and too expensive to buy for the most part). I did buy an awesome cheese slicer thing (i swear they don't exist in the states). When we went to the glass shop I found two things I really wanted to buy. They were only 10 euros each so I decided I would get both. I went to check out and the guy at the register (also the guy who makes everything) spoke to me in Finnish. I asked for English and he replied Finnish or Italian is best. So, I decided to give my Italian a try. He was pleased and spoke to me for a few minutes (even with my awful Italian). He gave me both for 15 instead of 20. Johanna was shocked that there was someone up here speaking Italian (and Finnish) and that I got a discount. It made my day.

We went back and ate dinner (potatoes, meatballs, and eggs) then took a nap and also discussed the many differences in our cultures and schools and politics and languages. The weather was finally looking decent so Johanna and I decided to go have a drink or two in town on a terrace. We were sitting outside drinking pear cider and watching the sunset over the harbor when Anna and Julia walked by and convinced us to go to the nightclub with them. I was astoundingly underdressed (did not prepare) but went anyway. It was fun, though Finnish people seem to be a bit rude. The drinks were cheaper by about half than in Helsinki. Johanna and Anna kept running into people they knew since it is such a small town. We had plenty of fun and then had to go to Prissburger which is the typical drunk food/place to go after drinking in Ekenas. Then we biked back and slept a lot!

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